About us

As an independent technology provider TagMetrics is offering e-commerce companies and agencies sophisticated and intelligent state of the art solutions to control, evaluate and optimize all digital activities. This encompasses all digital advertising media like desktop computers, notebook computers, mobile phones, Tablets, smart TVs, and more. Marketing channels which allow us to track directly measurable responses and/or transactions. TagMetrics will ensure that you are always one step ahead in tracking by providing the latest technological standards.


Our core competence is the development of state-of-the-art technologies on a modular base so that our clients could choose the best fitting module regarding their needs and budgets. 


Wed, 30 Oct 2013
Google launcht AdSense Ceritified Partner Programm – Traffective als eines der ersten Unternehmen weltweit dabei

Seit 2003 unterstützt AdSense Websites und Verlagen aus der ganzen Welt ihren digitalen Content zu vermarkten und damit die Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten und Wachstum vieler Unternehmen zu erweitern.
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