
Digital marketing and technology goes hand in hand. TagMetrics offers its clients everything they need to track and manage digital activities. You can choose from a variety of innovative technology-modules based on long-time-expertise and proven know-how of the market.


Private Network Technologie

Start your own Affiliate-Program today. Our white label solution will allow you to acquire affiliates. Provide them with stats and all advertising materials they need (e.g. Product Feeds, Creatives, Mailings). Payouts and clearing for all partners could also be handled via that solution.



Deduplicate all your digital marketing activities with our. Prevent yourself from double-tracking, double payment on one single sale/lead and rely on an independent technology which is developed according to the market and client needs.


Become aware of your customer journey. Know all synergies between your marketing channels and allocate your marketing budget in the most effective way.


Tag Management

Integrate our container tracking solution. Manage all scripts/pixel implementation in real time. Be independent of technical service or release times. Determine when pixels are to be called up and speed ??up your website.


Wed, 30 Oct 2013
Google launcht AdSense Ceritified Partner Programm – Traffective als eines der ersten Unternehmen weltweit dabei

Seit 2003 unterstützt AdSense Websites und Verlagen aus der ganzen Welt ihren digitalen Content zu vermarkten und damit die Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten und Wachstum vieler Unternehmen zu erweitern.
>> read more