
An independent, accurate and transparent tracking is a must have  to be succesfull in cooperating with different publishers, agencies, partners and service providers. 

TagMetrics offers you a flexible state of the art tracking technology that fulfills your and your partner requirements.


General  features

•       Flexible and easy to implement tracking methods

•       Customisable Tracking

•       User journey tracking

•       Customisable life time of tracking

•       Customisabel deduplication logic

•       Flexible attribution of media cost, agency cost and publisher commissions


TagMetrics supports different tracking methods to ensure high quality and data accuracy. Privacy protection is guaranteed in all kind of tracking methods which are:

•       Tracking by your own domain

•       HTTP-Cookies

•       Cookie-less Tracking via HTML-5 enabled Internet Browser

•       Fingerprint Tracking

•       Direct Linking


In addition you can define the run time of your tracking on type of events and on different levels as follows:

•       Channel

•       Campaign

•       Graphical element

•       Network

•       Publisher / Website


Activate the deduplication service and define your own logic, how to track and measure leads / sales along the user journey. The deduplication allocates the transaction towards the source you want to have.


Your benefits of deduplication

•       Allocate the transaction (lead, sale) to a unique source

•       Allocation can be customized to clients/campaign requirements

•       Prevention of double commissions on one single transaction

•       Consideration on all digital marketing channels

•       Optional white list filter for deeplinks / landingpages per publisher / website


The allocation of sales towards a publisher can be controlled on an own set of rules like

•       Channel

•       View / Click

•       Time to sales / lead

•       Touchpoint

•       Netwerk

•       Publisher / Website


The attribution of commission for a transaction can be splitted between multiple touchpoints

•       variable number of attributed touchpoints

•       variable attribution from interest to conversion

•       commission per touchpoint

•       multiple/single attribution per publisher

•       exceptions for single channels, networks or publishers


All Touchpoints are available for an analysis of the conversion path

•       channel

•       keyword

•       campaign

•       advertising medium

•       data source

•       network

•       publisher / website


The tracking duration can be configured per event (lead or sale) on

•       channel

•       campaign

•       advertising medium

•       network

•       publisher / website


The assignment of a sale / lead to a publisher can be controlled through your own regulation

•       channel

•       view / click

•       duration from interest to conversion

•       touchpoint

•       network

•       publisher / website


Wed, 30 Oct 2013
Google launcht AdSense Ceritified Partner Programm – Traffective als eines der ersten Unternehmen weltweit dabei

Seit 2003 unterstützt AdSense Websites und Verlagen aus der ganzen Welt ihren digitalen Content zu vermarkten und damit die Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten und Wachstum vieler Unternehmen zu erweitern.
>> read more